Hinge 1 - As you climb up the tree, temperature starts plunging, defined as the lapse rate which
is around 0.1 Degrees/100 Metres. Therefore make sure that you are prepared in
terms of clothing to face and handle cooler atmospheric climate. Convert cold
meeting rooms to fresh enjoyable habitat with positive energy.
Hinge 2 - As you climb up further and further
branches of the tree will become tiner, tiner and fragile thus multiplying
possibility of breaking
under your weight.Therefore judge external
conditions before you take the next step up, the weather needs to be correct
thus manage your timing. Test alternative branches quietly and determine that
this branch is not your final destination, before selecting and suspending
yourself at the next level. Make sure that you lose weight and stay fit to be
able to continue in search of your desire versus the corporation welfare.
Hinge 3 - As you climb up the more of your back will
become visible and you will start feeling isolated. Make sure that you abide by proper integrity so that you are well
covered and trusted. Always work as a team and have a rope connecting your team
mates to each other. This will help in case a slip occurs when the team will
hold on to you pull back to safety avoiding gravity.
Hinge 4 - As you climb atmospheric pressure start
dropping and oxygen levels starts decreasing. These harsh conditions means that
you have to take decisions on your own as the pressure lifts, however with the
lack of oxygen your brain will have difficulty making conclusive determination.
Therefore make sure that you have the correct apparatus and sustain your
ability to comprehend. Keep on training, educating and taking care of your ability to envision the future.
Hinge 5 - As you climb up you need to understand how
the tree that you intend to lead works. How the resin flows through the trunk
and the branches and how do the leaves convert sun light to energy to power its
internal system, Sales,
Business Development, Partners. Figure out how the roots are
organised under ground that draws water to combine with sun light to produce
glucose. Corporate back office processes including HR, Finance, R&D, Procurement, IT.
Hinge 6 - As you climb up, recognise that you are the tree, reach out to the top, always
remember the roots that keeps the tree from falling and resisting strong winds.
you are floating in a system that will support you as long as you also take
care of the tree that you belong. Help the tree to grow, sustain more of yous,
make sure that the seeds are spread accurately to produce off springs so that
others will be able to climb.
All the best and good luck.