23 July 2023

Sitting Duck - Story of DODO

Sitting Duck – The DODO Syndrome

Here is an explanation by “The Britannica Definitions”

“A person or thing that is easy to hit, attack, trick, etc. The tourists were sitting ducks for local thieves”

You might have guessed the topic of my article and what will I be talking about. Yes you are right, sharing corporate experience and shedding light to future advancements is my beloved handicraft.

Today the future may look gloomy as more and more of us are lagging behind the marathon. I have been visiting companies, entrepreneurs, technology parks throughout my career. Recently I have noticed a deterioration of energy in the executive teams. They appear to have a degradation in their positive attitude and behave dismal and display a somber face. Their common concern is the recognition of a bleak forthcoming.

-Why bleak you may wonder?

Understanding the approaching uncertainty and how to distinguish themselves from mainstream. Encountering these challenges are very serious. Sitting idle and waiting for the inevitable will not serve any purpose. Something has to be done what? and how? and when is the best time? Besides no adventure with the unknown technology is a precondition.

So let me tell you the story of the DODO bird. Once upon a time used to live in #Mauritius Island without the interaction of humans. There seems no reason why this bird ought to actualise wings. With no natural predator exposure, there was no need to fly and run away from imminent threat. Has extremely well adapted itself to the environment where food was plentiful. Hiding deep inside the marsh land protection was ample.

Fairy tale did not continue once the intervention has started in the 16th century. Conditions were starting to get burdensome. No longer cosy in the nest, was DODO. Hunting began without mercy. DODO did not really understand why? And where peril is emerging from. In bound domesticated animals also destroyed the habitat leaving no space for breeding. As a result this endemic species have gone extinct. Last siting was way back in 1662.

Sad story from which, we can simply deduce, never to take anything for granted. No matter how confident you may be in conveying a decisive message, shock waves are travelling in your direction.

17 July 2023

Yapay Zeka - Sanat mı? Korku Filmi mi? - ICTMedia

Günümüzde yaşanmakta olan teknoloji atılımları ve gelişmeleri biraz merak, biraz da endişe ile izleniyor. Şimdiye kadar doğada insan dışında düşünerek karar veren, planlayan, uygulayan bir sistem bulunmadığı varsayılıyordu. Doğal zekânın sınırlarının zorlandığı buluş ve icatlar önceleri kulağımıza hoş geliyordu.

Farkında olmadan bir sürüklenişin cazibesine kapıldığımızı kabullenme zamanı geldi görünüyor.

Verimlilikte, etkinlikte yaşanan sıra dışı ilerleme yaşamı kolaylaştırmış izlenimi veriyor. Artık daha hızlı öğrenebiliyor, araştırabiliyor, aradığımız cevapları rahatlıkla bulabiliyoruz. İş yapış tarzımızın da süratle değişimine seyirci kalmanın ötesine geçmesi zorunluluğu geldi çattı. Çatallaşan yol ayrımında önümüzde bir seçenek veya olasılık ise bulunmuyor. Geleneksel anlayıştan ayrılış uyarısı zaten uzun süredir kapımızı çalıyordu. Yenilikçi yönetsel mimariler bilinmeyen, gidilmeyen, keşfedilmeyen patikalara sapma seçeneği olarak ciddiyetle değerlendirilmeli. Bulutlu ve sisli ortamlara çekinmeden geçiş yapmalıyız.

07 July 2023


Have you ever wondered? How an intelligent system takes over control to navigate an airplane, marine or space craft through its trajectory. I am not going to attempt to analyse the complexity of science behind such an intricate structure.

I am not an aeronautical engineer therefore I will focus on a conceptual analogy which represents a corporate management style similar to that of an Autopilot.