14 March 2025

Context - Content

Content – Context

Before diving deep let’s start with a definition from Cambridge Dictionary:

Content “information, images, video, etc. that are included as part of something such as a website”

Context “the situation within which something exists or happens, and that can help explain it“

Fascinating connected words that have shaped my entire life. Specifically throughout my business career during which I regularly presented facts & figures. These have repeatedly been leveraged by the surrounding circumstances. Without the context the content may have no meaning like date/time/location or market dynamics at the instant of identification. Therefore I treat both concepts with intriguing admiration.

They are delicately interconnected and understanding both concepts will deliver meaning to what needs to be achieved.

Accuracy of content has regularly depended on the preciseness and sharpness of information gathered. Whether being an analysis of trends already happened in the past or a prediction of the future to come. This could be a business proposal delivery where an investment decision is to be taken. It could be admiring a beautiful masterpiece trying to figure out the expressions. Content may be clear at first yet each and every one would be observing a dissimilar version of the same phenomenon.

Therefore it would be absolutely crucial to reflect the reality with certainty. Not forgetting it is the audience who will perceive their own versions of context. Once the context, is reshaped in the minds of listener or watchers, its influence on the content may blur the actual image that is planned to be conveyed. Every individual will generate their own illusion of certainty.

Consequently it is wise to prepare so to understand who the recipients are before dispatching any material. Participants’ back ground will certainly reveal some of their insides and biases. Tuning one’s subject matter with respect to a group of attendees desire should not be regarded as a divergent path. It should not be treated as an ability to be able to reframe reality which has never changed in the first place.

I have personally witnessed indistinguishable stories on the surface however with very different versions in the reflections. Content was similar yet the context is modified or remodelled successes to failures and wise versa. I remember being cautious while observing carefully to what I am facing. Sensing my own thoughts may manipulate my realisation of described information.

Thus whenever a time approaches to emphasise a point on stage the moment needs to be envisioned as an opportunity. Later to be celebrated as a convincing experience which can be repeated over and over again. Therefore once exposed to the awareness of behaviour knowledge, deciphering both context and content creation should be a piece of cake.

Nevertheless adjusting context & content it is not meant to be a tool to fabricate misleading or improper foresight. On the other hand if the approach is not challenged then the scale will be tilted towards a perfect solution which may not fulfil all the objectives.

As a summary designing a content under the umbrella of context needs a prudent attention. One should never assume everything goes as long as the context satisfies the meeting attendees. Bear in mind the quality of vigilant collection of facts within the content matters the most.

Sincerely, I found it very difficult to describe this captivating argument.

Let me hear your thoughts.

Best wishes.